What Does It Mean to Be a Tech Lead? A Journey Between Code, Chaos, and the Fire Extinguisher

What Does It Mean to Be a Tech Lead? A Journey Between Code, Chaos, and the Fire Extinguisher

Ah, the coveted title of Tech Lead! If you think you’ll spend your days crafting brilliant architectures, making strategic decisions, and being idolized by the team, well, I have news for you: you’ll also spend a good chunk of time putting out fires (not literally… or maybe). But after all, what exactly is being a Tech Lead?

Let’s start from the beginning: the Tech Lead is the team’s “firefighter,” but they’re also responsible for guiding the team technically, ensuring everyone knows what they’re doing, and that the project doesn’t turn into chaos. It’s a balance between problem-solving, managing people, and still keeping your technical skills sharp (sorry, you can’t let go of coding just yet).

Defining the Role and Responsibilities

So, what does a Tech Lead do? Imagine you’re leading an expedition to Everest, except instead of trained climbers, your team is made up of developers (some experienced, others who haven’t yet discovered the magic of `git pull`). And of course, “Everest” is a project filled with bugs that appear like avalanches, tight deadlines that seem to have been set by someone who’s never written code, and technical decisions so complex you start wondering if opening a food truck would be easier.

The Everest of the Tech Lead

Being a Tech Lead is a massive challenge, and you are the one who must guide your team to the top of this Everest. The problem? The “Everest” keeps changing! One day, you’re dealing with project infrastructure, and the next, you’re settling a debate between two devs over which language is “better” (spoiler: no one wins that argument). Oh, and if the code breaks along the way, you’re the one who needs to fix it and make sure it doesn’t happen again — though it will, of course.

Ensuring No One (or the Code) Gets Left Behind!

Part of the Tech Lead’s job is to make sure everyone on the team is on the same page. This means not only helping the less experienced developers but also ensuring that the more experienced ones aren’t creating “contraptions” impossible to maintain in the future. The Tech Lead has to be the balance between innovation and reality, the guardian who prevents that super “genius” code from becoming the next sprint’s nightmare.

You know that dev who loves using overly sophisticated solutions for simple problems? Yep, it’s your job to (calmly and patiently) explain that a `for loop` doesn’t need to be replaced by a combination of `map`, `filter`, `reduce`, and an algorithm he read on Stack Overflow at 3 AM.

The Responsibilities of a Tech Lead: It’s More Than Just Code

Now, if you think being a Tech Lead is just solving code problems, sorry to disappoint, but you’re mistaken. Your job goes far beyond pressing `Ctrl + C` and `Ctrl + V` on Stack Overflow. Let’s break down some of the key responsibilities that come with this glorious (and sometimes thankless) title:

1. Making Technical Decisions: The first, and perhaps most important, responsibility of a Tech Lead is to make the project’s technical decisions. This means choosing the right technologies, defining the system architecture, and ensuring everything works harmoniously (or at least breaks elegantly). Oh, and when things go wrong, guess who’s to blame? Exactly.

Remember when you suggested using that new library no one was familiar with? Well, now you’ll have to deal with the consequences of it not being as stable as it seemed. But don’t worry, the team will remember that forever (and bring it up in retrospectives).

2. Facilitating Team Collaboration: Sounds simple, right? But believe me, it’s not always easy. One of the big challenges is making sure the team is communicating effectively and that everyone knows what everyone else is working on. This avoids the classic problem where two developers end up working on the same feature (in completely different ways) without knowing it.

One day, you realize that Dev A is writing an authentication module while Dev B is… doing the same thing. Both have completely opposite approaches. Now, on top of getting them to understand each other, you’ll have to decide which way to go (and explain it gently to one of them).

3. Ensuring Code Quality: Ah, code quality! As a Tech Lead, it’s your job to make sure the code going into the base isn’t a ticking time bomb waiting to explode during deployment. This involves reviewing code, defining best practices, and, of course, insisting that the team follows these standards. Good luck with that.

You look at a PR and see comments like `// not sure if this works, but I tested it and it ran`. This is practically an invitation for you to review every line and ensure that “it ran” isn’t the only success criterion.

4. Mentoring the Team: Besides handling technical issues, you also need to help the team grow. This means giving advice, guiding the less experienced members, and, of course, trying not to lose your patience when someone asks you for the third time what a `null pointer exception` is. Mentoring is a mix of coaching, psychology, and sometimes group therapy.

You’re in a code review call and instead of just pointing out the mistakes, you decide to explain why it’s important to refactor a massive function with more than 200 lines. The dev will probably hate you for it now, but one day, they’ll thank you (we hope).

5. Aligning the Team with Business Goals: As a Tech Lead, you’re the bridge between the development team and the rest of the company. This means you’ll spend hours explaining to the CEO that “no, this feature you want by yesterday isn’t simple,” while at the same time trying to convince the team to prioritize business needs over the “super cool feature” they want to implement.

In a meeting with the CEO, you hear something like: “I saw on Google that implementing AI takes just a week.” You take a deep breath, count to ten, and try to explain that no, it’s not that simple.

What No One Tells You About Being a Tech Lead…

Being a Tech Lead is a roller coaster. Some days, you’ll feel like you’re changing the world, leading an amazing team, and delivering incredible solutions. And other days, you’ll just want to lie on the office floor and cry in the fetal position (please, don’t do this in public).

I like to think there’s almost some balance…

The Good:

  • Seeing the team grow technically thanks to your mentorship.
  • Making technical decisions that solve big problems.
  • Gaining the team’s respect (when things go right, of course).
  • The feeling that you’re leading the team to a better future (when the code compiles).

The Bad:

  • Being responsible for bugs that show up in production. (And they will).
  • Dealing with internal team conflicts (seriously, devs can be stubborn).
  • Explaining to the company why a two-week deadline will actually take two months.
  • The constant pressure to balance business interests with engineering best practices.

It seems balanced, but only sometimes…

Tech Lead, Project Manager, and Software Architect: Who Does What?

If you’ve entered the wonderful world of Tech Lead, you’ve probably wondered: “So, am I a project manager, a software architect, or just here to put out fires?” Well, the answer is: you’re none of them… and maybe a little of all of them. Yes, it’s confusing, but that’s exactly what makes this role so “fun” (read: full of challenges and sleepless nights).

Let’s break down each role because, let’s face it, if you’re dealing with all the bugs and tight deadlines, being confused for a project manager too is just too much.

Tech Lead: The Code and Chaos Juggler

You are the technical leader. This means the responsibility for deciding how things will be done rests in your hands. What does this mean in practice? You decide what framework will be used, how the architecture will behave, and you have to make sure the project doesn’t turn into a haunted house full of bugs that show up at 2 AM, in production, of course.

Basically, you’re the “adult” in the room who has to ensure the team doesn’t fall into the temptation of implementing that mind-blowing solution that “works on my machine.” Spoiler: it doesn’t work in production.

Day-to-day Examples of a Tech Lead:

Deciding on technologies. The team wants to use the latest trendy JavaScript library? Well, you need to be the voice of reason (or madness) and ensure it won’t make the project explode. So instead of adopting a framework only the *hipster dev* on the team knows, you choose something with long-term support and a strong community. No experimenting in production.

Yes, I know this new framework is super cool and trendy, but guess who’s going to fix it if it causes problems in production at 3 AM? Exactly, it won’t be the excited developer.

Reviewing code and maintaining quality. You spend a good chunk of your time reviewing pull requests and explaining, once again, that variables named `x` and `y` aren’t exactly “self-explanatory.” Yes, that’s your responsibility now. Don’t bother complaining, it’s part of the deal.

No, I don’t think naming a function `doSomething()` is a good idea for long-term maintainability.

Slowing down crazy ideas. The team decided they want to use microservices for everything, even for functions that a simple `if` could solve? Congratulations, now it’s up to you to explain that the project architecture doesn’t need 47 microservices to say “Hello, World.

I know everyone’s excited about microservices, but maybe we don’t need 20 containers to handle user registration… just a thought.

Project Manager: The Guardian of Deadlines (and Emails)

The Project Manager is the guardian of the schedule. They are the one who shows up in meetings with an invisible stopwatch and a smile that says: “So, when are we delivering this?” While you’re trying to make sure the code doesn’t break and the team understands the technical decisions, the project manager is there to ensure everything gets delivered on time. They manage the when and the why. And trust me, they’ll be asking.

Think of the Project Manager as the “deadline master.” If it were up to them, the team would be faster than The Flash, and bugs would be fixed before anyone even knew they existed.

Day-to-day Examples of a Project Manager

Chasing deadlines. Whenever you’re deep in the trenches of an unsolvable bug, the Project Manager will ask if you think it can be “delivered by Friday.” Hint: the expected answer is always yes, but the reality… well, you know.

So, this bug has broken three microservices and is causing intermittent system failures. We can still deliver everything by Friday, right?

Attending every meeting. If there’s a meeting, the Project Manager will be there. They’ll be the one with the PowerPoint ready, prepared to talk about how the team is or isn’t sticking to the schedule. While you’re trying to fix a broken integration, they’re figuring out how to soften the blow of saying the project might be late.

If we ignore the bugs and just look at the deadlines, technically we’re on track, right?

Juggling expectations. The Project Manager is the one balancing the expectations of the client or CEO with the technical reality (or lack thereof). They’ll ask seemingly simple questions (“Can we do this in three days?”) that, in practice, are harder than any bug you’ve ever seen.

Oh, it’s just a small change in scope, nothing major. We can get that done before lunch, right?

Software Architect: The Visionary (or the Diagram Master)

The Software Architect is the one who’s always thinking at the high level. They are the visionary who decides if the application will scale to serve billions of users (even if the current reality of the project is more like five active users). While the Tech Lead is in the trenches, the Software Architect is up in the castle, planning the best way to conquer the world. They define patterns, architecture guidelines, and create diagrams that, honestly, no one really understands but everyone pretends to.

Day-to-day Examples of a Software Architect

Drawing complex diagrams. When the Software Architect shows up with a diagram of 50 microservices, you know chaos is about to begin. But on paper, it makes perfect sense. The problem is when someone has to implement it in real life.

So, I created this diagram to represent the interaction between all the systems. The only thing left is to implement it… simple, right?

Setting standards the team (maybe) will follow. The Architect is the one who creates the architecture standards that everyone on the team is supposed to follow (or at least try). They choose cutting-edge technologies, define how the system should scale, and worry about problems the team won’t see for another five years.

So, I’ve configured the application to scale automatically when we hit 10 million users. Never mind that we only have 100 right now, it’s always good to be prepared.

Thinking long-term. The Software Architect is always thinking ahead. They’re concerned with the future of the application, while the team is just trying to get the build to run. This is an advantage, but sometimes the Architect can get so lost in the future that they forget we still need to survive the present.

Yes, I know the application is running fine, but what if in the future we need to process data from Mars? We need to be ready.

In Summary

  • Tech Lead: You are the technical leader who handles the how. In other words, you decide how things will work, and when everything goes wrong, guess who has to fix it?
  • Project Manager: Focused on the when and the why. They’ll ask you 27 times if you can deliver by Friday while you try not to laugh (or cry).
  • Software Architect: The visionary who draws complex plans and tries to ensure the application survives when we’re all on Mars.

Being a Tech Lead is complicated enough, so when someone confuses you for a Project Manager or Software Architect, take a deep breath and calmly (or with a dose of sarcasm) explain who does what. Because in the end, it’s these distinct roles that make the project work (or at least try to!).

Balancing Technical Skills and Management: Without Losing Your Mind (We Promise)

Staying in the Tech Lead role is like trying to juggle plates while walking a tightrope… and sometimes someone throws in another plate just to see what happens. On one hand, you have the technical side, which you probably love — the thrill of solving a tricky bug or seeing that complex system finally work. On the other hand, you have people and deadline management, which, let’s be honest, might be the part you hate (because people are unpredictable and deadlines… well, they are too).

Here’s the big secret to surviving this roller coaster called “Tech Lead”: you don’t have to do everything alone! Yes, I know, you’re probably thinking, “but if I don’t do it, who will?” The answer is: your team. That’s why the magic word here is delegate, but with wisdom.

The Challenge of Being a Tech Lead: The Best (and Worst) of Both Worlds

Before we talk about how to balance, let’s understand the real challenge. As a Tech Lead, you’ll be held accountable for:

  • Technical decisions. And yes, everyone will remember if one of them goes wrong. No one will remember if it goes right.
  • Managing people. Now, on top of coding, you need to deal with different personalities, each with their own way of handling pressure (and that progress bar that gets stuck at 99%).
  • Deadlines. Spoiler: they’ll always seem too short for what needs to be delivered. And the CEO will ask you, in a casual tone, if “you can speed things up a bit.”

How Do You Survive This Roller Coaster?

If your day-to-day feels like an episode of *Survivor* (but in the office and without the fun part of winning a prize), here are a few tips to stay sane while you try to balance these two realities.

1. Set aside time for yourself — If there’s one thing that will save you from total madness, it’s time management. Don’t try to solve everything at once because — guess what? — it won’t work! Instead of playing with chaos, organize your day to deal with both code and people. Set aside specific time for reviewing PRs and another for meetings (or, as I like to call them, “sessions of calming down developers and managers”).

If you try to review code while on a call with the CEO, there’s a high chance you’ll say “there’s a `null pointer` here” in the middle of explaining the strategy for the next quarter. Better avoid that

2. Delegate, but keep an eye on things — Now, let’s get to the mantra of every good Tech Lead: delegate. You don’t have to solve everything by yourself (repeat that 10 times in front of the mirror before starting your day). Here’s the trick, though: delegating doesn’t mean abandoning. Delegate, but occasionally check in to make sure the team isn’t creating a Frankenstein in the code.

What do you mean by ‘it worked in my environment’? You implemented an entire monitoring system without tests and now it’s running a cron job that will never stop?

Delegating without following up is like leaving kids alone in a candy store: at first, everything will seem fun, but soon it’ll turn into sugary chaos. Keep a watchful eye, even if from a distance.

3. Learn to prioritize (and say “no”) — The ability to say “no” (or “maybe not right now”) is an art you, as a Tech Lead, must master. Because guess what? The CEO and Project Manager will ask for the impossible, and you need to be the voice of reason (or sanity) in this scenario. This means you’ll have to learn how to prioritize, and yes, sometimes you’ll have to disappoint management’s expectations — but with that delicate touch, of course.

So, you want to add machine learning, blockchain, and a cryptocurrency payment system, all by Friday? Cool. Now, let’s come back to the real world and discuss what we can actually deliver by Friday.

Knowing how to say “no” without sounding rude is a survival skill. You’ll use it more often than you’d like. The secret is to be polite yet firm. If possible, try using the magic phrase: “this is doable, but we’ll need more time or more resources.

4. Communicate (more than you’d like) — Half the fires you’ll put out as a Tech Lead are caused by simple communication failures. Whether it’s between the development team and the stakeholders or within the team itself, communication is one of the biggest chaos-causers (and you thought it was the code). The solution? Talk more. A lot more. Explain, re-explain, and then check to make sure everyone understood.

So, when I said to optimize the service, I didn’t mean to turn off half the logs and pretend nothing would break…

Communication is essential to keeping everyone on the same page. Remember, when you think you’ve said enough, you probably haven’t said enough. More conversations now mean fewer fires to put out later.

Balance Is Everything (and Coffee Helps)

In the end, balancing technical skills and management is a juggling act, but it doesn’t have to be a nightmare. With the right tools, organization, and a good dose of humor, you can find that balance. And remember: you don’t have to do it all alone. Your team is there for that — and when things go right, you’ll remember why you chose this role.

Finally: “Well, if the deploy doesn’t blow up the production environment, we’ll celebrate with coffee… or maybe something stronger.”


Being a Tech Lead isn’t just about making technical decisions or managing tight deadlines. It’s about balancing countless responsibilities while chaos (or rather, bugs) seems to lurk around every corner. If you thought this role would just be about crafting flawless architectures and being the team’s strategic mind, now you know you’ll also spend a good chunk of your time “putting out fires” and dealing with issues that go far beyond code.

Between endless meetings, bugs in production, and debates over the best programming language, the role of Tech Lead involves more than just delivering projects. It demands a holistic vision, interpersonal skills, and, of course, the ability to manage the pressure of being the bridge between the technical team and the business side. And yes, you’ll have to explain to the CEO why “AI can’t be implemented in a week” (unless it’s an AI that just says “Hello World”).

In the end, being a Tech Lead is a massive juggling act between technical innovation, people management, and deadlines. But the truth is, if you keep your sense of humor (and a healthy dose of coffee), you’ll discover that this journey, full of ups and downs, is one of the most rewarding experiences you can have in your career. And who knows, between putting out one fire and another, you might even manage to implement that amazing feature you’ve always dreamed of.

So, take a deep breath, delegate wisely, and most importantly, remember: you’re not alone on this technological Everest. Good luck, Tech Lead!